Packing and Travel Day

Heading for LA in a few hours and putting some final touches on my packing list.   There is a lot of stuff on here!

But somehow, two small duffle bags and six pounds under my weight limit.  The key is:  three changes of cycling clothes, and two changes of civilian clothes to make it through 7 weeks.    (Those little blue squares are washing detergent for use in hotel bathroom sinks, super hygienic...)

I packed enough calories to get me to the first SAG stop each day for the first two weeks.  That's roughly 10% of the total mileage.  Energy bars and hydration mix are heavy!

I was a little nervous about my soft sided biking bag, and the comments online about damage to the rear derailleur.  So, pool noodles FTW!!

Fingers Crossed that this gets to LA in one piece.

My last bit of nervousness.  When I roll up in the Indy airport and the American Airlines ticket agent takes one look at this and says, "You're not checking something that big..."

If I could choose a super power, I'd go with teleportation.  I want to teleport all this stuff to the start line and start riding!


  1. Looks like a lot of stuff!

  2. What an adventure!

  3. Thanks for taking us along this journey with you!

  4. I’m excited to follow your journey. You go!


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