Across the Mississippi

 Two notable things today. First …2000 miles!!

Volunteering for service

Our 2000 mile stop was at the local post office in Knox City MO and I wore exactly the right kit. Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep David from his appointed 2000 miles.  (Hey Post office…I’m available for endorsement deals and unlike Lance I’m not doping)

Second, we crossed over the Mississippi into Illinois… our eighth state  

Standing in traffic to get this one

I tried biking one-handed over the surprisingly steep and bumpy bridge in order to take some photos while we were pedaling. But evidently my thumbs, weakened by the days ride, did not depress the shutter button. Depriving you all of my artistic impression of barges and girders. Lo siento.

Once over the river in Quincy, there was a small downtown and then a progression of amazing 19th century mansions all along the main street. 

My guess is these were built by people made rich trading commodities down the Mississippi river. (Quincy linked the river with East west railroads ). You often see concentrations of wealth near old timey transportation nodes.

Also, you will find the letter Q inscribed all over this town. On buildings. In street pavement. in businesses. I’m sure the QAnon devotees have a field day in this place.  Again with the thumbs.

Quincy is home to Quincy University,

 previously known as Quincy College previously known as St Francis Solanus College.  It has won 11 NAIA men’s soccer titles, and its notable alumni include Hall of Fame baseball writer Rick Hummel. No relation. And Michael Swango, a physician and highly prolific serial killer !!

You win some, you lose some…

The ride today was considerably less difficult, although that did not stop me from being an idiot on the rollers in the first 30 miles.  

We did have a steady headwind all day. I said to riding buddy John, “it feels like a week since we’ve had any tailwind“. To which he responded, “that’s because it’s been a week since we’ve had any tailwind”.  And guess what? Headwinds and crosswinds for our 106 miles into Springfield tomorrow. Boo.

The traffic was also calm and respectful all day, until just before we crossed into Illinois.  An  irate and purpley pantsuited woman in a jeep pulled up extremely close as we were riding, and began berating us about how unsafe it was to be on this road. She sped away before I could share my rejoinder, which was… Lady, you were by far the most dangerous thing that’s happened to us all day.  Also, reconsider your fashion choices.   

That’s not her.  It’s another Sasquatch sighting … these things are everywhere!  Some more modest than others

Here’s Odie on the rollers  yesterday

The cicadas have been singing to us for the last few days and getting increasingly aggressive about divebombing us.  I think we’re heading into the heart of the double brood emergence aka cicadapocalypse. I will be biking with my mouth tightly closed.

Tomorrow is long. Time to stop blogging and start eating.


  1. I want to be friend with John!

  2. Thank you for more awesome photos and highly entertaining commentary! Hope tomorrow goes well. gt

  3. Jeff and I are enjoying your adventure….2000 miles, what a milestone!

  4. Your blogs make me smile 😃

    1. Thank you ! Dh

    2. Cool - I know a Purdue grad that did some construction restoration on the mansion you showed in Quincy. And I recall when doing a ride with you that a women in a pickup truck yelled something I would guess was somewhat similar to jeep women as we rode along river road. It was hard to make out what she said, but maybe something about getting our truck out of the way - but we were on bicycles :) - I rooting for your USPS endorsement deal.


    3. Some drivers are just very very busy and slowing them down a few seconds is intolerable. But surprisingly few in the grand scheme of things! Dh


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