Circling the Circle City


Today I got to play tour guide. We took a steady roll in from Crawfordsville along shady lightly traveled county roads. 

Very chill conversational pace. Then in Indy we rode through Speedway and onto the White River Parkway.

John, Jim, Stuart, Maggie, Bill, Barb, Carol, Odie, 
Peyton, Tanny, ME, Jens, Olaf, John.
(Photo credit... random jogger guy)

The group absolutely loved the culture Trail, the area along white river, 

the state capital, and especially the soldiers sailors monument.   I like the watery bits

The mascot from the Indiana fever gave us all donuts and took pictures with us. 

Carol, Tanny, Jim? Jens
Donut Day!

I’m not the biggest rah, rah guy, but it made me proud to hear how much my riding buddies from around the country appreciated downtown Indianapolis.   

Tanny from Ohio State dotting the I properly

We had a bit of a rough go on the “bike lanes“ on New York St. They are under construction and pretty badly torn up. But I told everyone, given the pace of road construction in Indiana, in another four months to 22 years, those bike lanes will look amazing.

 Once we got to the Pennsy Trail, it was smooth sailing.  Three cheers for rail trails!  Even when we got onto Highway 40 to finish up, we had a great tailwind and the road was wider and far less traveled and therefore a lot more comfortable than the highway 40 we suffered through in Arizona.

Tomorrow is a really short riding day, so I’m going to lead the group to see the Hoosier Gym in Knightstown. I put a lengthy description of Hoosiers, as well as Breaking Away, into our WhatsApp chat group so everyone could appreciate the two greatest sports movies ever made.

Yesterday I got to see my wife, Tanya, and catch up on the latest news from home over a Starbucks. I haven’t had Starbucks since April.  Then had a beer and a burger with my good friend and biking buddy Jim while listening to dad rock music bingo at Backstep Brewing in Crawfordsville.    I find it offensive that they call music from the 90s Dad rock.  But they had a pretty tasty patty melt sandwich. 

 Tonight I’m having dinner with my son Alex and daughter-in-law Faith, and then tomorrow riding to Richmond with my daughter Abby.  It is possible that I will brag on her little 500 exploits to my biking friends. Possible. Really really great to spend some time with family and friends from home.

Speaking of home here are some misbehaving canines.  

Sawyer is being caught in the act trying to steal back a ball that was taken away from him. Finn is eyeing a toilet paper roll he wants to shred. And Lucy, who is old enough to know better, is watching and egging her little brothers on. 


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