State #11…ready to rest.


After suffering up and down hills for the last three days, our ride today was much easier.  “Only” 90 miles with less than half the climbing of the last few.  My legs were grateful. 

Between the two SAG stops we had a steady downhill that should have been spectacular.   Unfortunately I spoke too soon about road quality and the good state of Ohio presented us with the worst 15 miles of pavement in the last 2800…just excruciating.  I may need to enter the concussion protocol.   No joke…I was vibrated straight into a bad headache and a painful wrist.  

Making it worse the highway department HQ along the route was sporting a sign proclaiming “Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award 2013”…  clearly they've been resting on that laurel for the last decade.  Personally I would advocate for them to aspire to an “excellence in applying asphalt” award. 

Happily we recovered from that beating by stopping here and knocking back a “regular size” root beer float  

The large could’ve filled two camelbaks.  You know it’s good when the menu hasn’t changed since they opened in 1952 and only take cash.

We are here in Erie on the waterfront of the lake for our last rest day.  I might take a water ferry across to Presque Isle (“almost an island” in French), which you can see in the distance in this photo taken from the hotel  

Or  I might just sleep all day.   One week and 600 miles left …



  1. I had several days of reading on which to catch up! Loved all the stories and photos, especially of your kiddos. Great to ride with Abby. Looks like you’ve had more great riding and adventures (well, except those grueling miles in OH). Can’t believe only a week left. Enjoy, enjoy!! gt

    1. Thanks so
      Much for following along and all the encouragement ! Dh

  2. Enjoy the rest. Gotta wonder: are you riding across the country so that you can fully burn off gigantic root beer floats?

    1. The causation is increasingly unclear. Dh

  3. Looks like you either went through or close to Andover…Michelle’s parents lived there for 30+ years - best you were riding through in summer - lake effect snow is for real! Keep rolling!


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