Wet and rolling…into Chillicothe

Maybe the best way to describe today’s ride is to show you the route profile. That is a lot of freaking up-and-down. And toward the end, the climbs were 9%, 10%, 11%, even tipping up to 14% at one point. So even though we lost a couple hundred feet of elevation, we climbed the better part of a mile over the course of the ride. And I can feel every one of those climbs in my legs right now. We spent last night, and this morning at breakfast, trying to figure out if we were going to get rained on. Just before we started out, we were all pretty convinced that the rain was going to miss us. And some folks even took off their rain gear under the overhang at the hotel entrance. So then, of course, we roll out and within 50 feet the rain starts. And by half a mile down the road it was absolutely pouring. We got rained on pretty well for about 5 miles. And then just as it was slacking off I got a flat tire. The problem with riding in the rain is first of all you can’t se...