Off to see the Wizard …in Liberal KS

 This was a short, fun day. Just a 45 mile ride into Kansas. But before we got there, we stopped in Hooker, Oklahoma, which has really leaned into the name.

They have a visitor center staffed by Velma. Who is a double entendre dropping octogenarian who “married a hooker“.  You may recognize Velma from her earlier Scooby Doo film work.

Our sixth state!

Once we got into liberal, we stopped at the Wizard of Oz experience. It was ever so slightly hokey. 

Non-functional storm cellar

The storm cellar doesn’t work. I tried.  You would think they would learn after that last tornado.  


The house did catch a wicked cyclist coming from the west 

Then Dorothy came out in her ruby red slippers, and took a picture with all of us.  And a closeup with our slippers. After you serve the community as Dorothy, you get your name inscribed in granite. They take this very seriously.


Then it was onto the Mid America Air Museum.  Some really cool aviation history, including some of the planes that will be used on the Purdue to Chicago daily route.

Short day. Early bedtime. Lots of wind in the days ahead.  But I’m not clicking my heels together anytime soon.


  1. David, my wife and I read your blog every day and really enjoy the narrative as well as the pictures. We biked the tour last year and loved every minute of it. We enjoy reliving the experience through your posts.

    1. Thank you! I was inspired by last years group to do this! Dh

  2. Loving your blog, David. And the great burn today: “Some really cool aviation history, including some of the planes that will be used on the Purdue to Chicago daily route.”

  3. You're a beast David. Keep on keepin on. 😜

    1. Beav! You should try this! Dh


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